Today Love Letter: Calm, Positive & Strong

Today, know that you are simply beautiful as you are.

Love the quote. It teaches us to love to ourselves.

Hi Lovelies,

How's your doing?

It is December now, 2 more weeks before we end Year 2020.

I believe there is a lot of things happened in this year, good and bad.

No matter how I look back what's the achievement and failure, one thing for sure, I feel absolutely grateful for everything.

I thanked The Almighty for what He gave to me, either a sunshine day, or a gloomy moment, I will always thank Him.

This year is not a good one for me. 

Husband lost his job.

Kids not allow to go to school.

Restrictions control movement.

I lost a man I called DAD. 

And my family members, 6 of them are Covid-19 positive.

And list goes on.

I tried to stay calm.

I tried to be positive and strong.

Hoping next year will be good to all of us.

Take care.

lots of love,


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