Today Love Letter : Your Key Of Life

Today Love Letter : Your Key Of Life
credit: heather stillufsen, etsy pinterest

You hold the key to your happiness, your goals and your dreams.

No one is going to do the work for you.

You are in charge.

Hello Lovelies,

You hold the key of your own life. No one is in charge except you yourself. 

I remembered when someone said I am showing off with my job as an engineer. 

They thought engineering is something grand and we boast around with the title. 

They were wrong. 

Being an engineer is no different like any other job. 

Nothing to boast. 

We are just human. 

We do what we like. 

And today, I am happy being a stay at home mom, 
leaving my career to care for my kids 💙 

I am happy with the road that I choose. 

The choice is mine. 

I hold my own key of life. 

Hence, you too kindly choose wisely what you want to do with your KEY of life. 

Be happy with your decision making.

P/S: Will I be back for road / building construction? 
Maybe Yes. One fine day, later.

Lot's of Love,


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